When you’re starting to drown between employee concerns, payroll duties and helping your CEO -- HR Insider is there to help get the logistical work out of the way.
Need a policy because of a recent regulatory change? We’ve got it for you. Need some quick training on a specific HR topic? We’ve got it for you. HR Insider provides the resources you need to craft, implement and monitor policies with confidence. Our team of experts (which includes lawyers, analysts and HR professionals) keep track of complex legislation, pending changes, new interpretations and evolving case law to provide you with the policies and procedures to keep you ahead of problems. FIND OUT MORE...
The Top 11 HR Compliance Cases of 2022 & How They Affect You

The court cases most likely to directly affect your HR program and what to do about each.

While new legislation and regulations draw most of the attention, case law generates many if not most of the significant new developments in HR and employment law each year. Such was the case in 2022. Major issues in HR litigation during the year included workplace harassment, probationary employment, constructive dismissal, drugs and alcohol testing and, of course, mandatory vaccination and other COVID issues. Here are what we at HR Insider believe to be the 11 most significance cases of 2022, along with a practical lesson you can take from the case to address the HR issue the particular case involved at your own workplace.