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Yukon Leave & Compensation

Sick Days: Up to 12 days.

Vacation: Must work 1 full year before entitled to vacation time.

Entitled to 2 weeks of vacation after each of the first year of employment and must be paid at least 4% of vacationable earnings.

Statutory Holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Discovery Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day and Christmas Day. *Easter Monday is for government employees only.



General Minimum Wage: $16.77 per hour

Overtime Pay: 1.5 times the employees wage rate.

Overtime Hours: Daily Overtime – All hours worked over 8 hours in a day. Weekly Overtime – All hours worked over 40 hours in a week.

Statutory Holiday Pay:  (If worked): Time and a half plus regular pay or regular pay plus alternate day. (If not worked): Regular day’s pay.


Average Workers’ Comp Assessment Rate 2024: $2.09 per $100

Maximum Assessable / Insurable Earnings 2024: $102,017