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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    -We are a seasonal employer , so we employ people in Ontario on seasonal contract only.
    one of the staff joined the company and withing one hour he claimed chest pain and was taken to hospital , came back with modified duty paper , we offered him very light job within one hour he said he went to washroom and said that he does not feel well and went home. Later he sent an email saying his supervisior tapped his sholder which caused him hurt and he had to leave.
    i have asked him to provide medical paper for his shoulder and body condition and i will conduct an official investigation before he resumes duty.
    it has been 3 days since then and we would like to let him go since he is a seasonal employee, and we really do not want him back.
    would that be ok.

    Post count: 4923

    The way you are describing the situation it definitely reads like something from a Better Call Saul episode. Technically the employee is still in a probationary period so you are free to do what you want really, and provided the supervisor didn’t actually assault the employee, you are probably within reason to terminate effective immediately, but make sure you have everything documented and conduct your investigation properly because I would hazard to say that this employee will definitely file a claim against you – provided everything is as you have said, I doubt they would win, but it will take up your time and energy.

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