HR Home Forums Community Time Theft – Employees

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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    In a situation where employees are caught putting time on time sheets that they never worked, is it possible to recover the overage in wages paid out legally? Generally any deductions in wages has to be signed off by the employee in advance and it needs to be specific to the amount, date etc. If not what are some potential other options to recover the loss if any? The time theft is verified by data reports and also confessed by the employee. It spans over a 3 month period and is a significant amount of hours and money.

    Post count: 4923

    The answer would depend on the jurisdiction, but most everywhere the employer could not recover these amounts from any other wages owing.
    That’s not permitted without the employee’s express and written consent, which would presumably be withheld.

    The proper way to treat this is as a disciplinary issue. Very likely the type of theft would be grounds for dismissal with cause, particularly if the employee declined to make restitution.

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