HR Home Forums Community STAT Holiday in Alberta – Exceeding Standards

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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    Looking at creating a policy that exceeds standards when it comes to STAT pay. The new change to Employment Standards that pays out Stat Holidays according to a calculation over the previous 4 weeks is hard to explain to people and not easy to administer either. Looking to create our own policy that meets or exceeds standards without having to do the calculation, but rather makes it a simpler process. Any ideas?

    Post count: 4923

    I’ll be happy to work with you on this. There are 2 issues: First: Which Stat Holiday benefits do you actually want to provide. That’s a business decision that your organization must make internally. Once you do decide, we can proceed to the next issue, namely, how to draft the policy. That’s where I can help you. Just let me know what the benefits are and I’ll help you construct some good language for your policy.
    Please feel free to contact me directly at or 203 354-4532. Caveat: I’ll be out of the office Thursday and Friday, back on Monday.
    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to any of the US residents in your family. Glenn

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