HR Home Forums Community Quebec – Layoff rules

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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    A client of ours had to lay off a couple of employees in Quebec for 6 months but was able to bring them back to work at the end of the layoff period. At this time they are looking at possibly laying them off again until September. What is the minimum amount of time in Quebec that these employees have to work before they can be laid off again? Other provinces typically have 1-2 weeks.

    Thank you.

    Post count: 4923

    From Alan:
    Whether or not an employee has been brought back to work and a layoff has ended is a question of fact.
    I’m not sure I could provide all the circumstances under which a return to work would not be recognized, but some of the following illustrate what I was getting at:

    • An employee returns to work and is immediately laid off, in circumstances where the “second” layoff was only a means to avoid the first layoff becoming a termination, by exceeding the 6 months allowed in Quebec.
    • There wasn’t any change in the employer’s circumstances that would indicate there would be something for the employee to do, on a return to work.


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