HR Home Forums Community ex-employees’ HR file release upon his/her request

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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    asked 2 years agoSubscribe
    I have a request came from a lawyers’ office to release any personnel file we have in place for an ex-employee as the person is representing his motor accident case.
    They claim that they have an authorization to receive those files from the ex-employee. As an HR person who is in charge of employees’ personnel files, am I allow to release these documents to the lawyer?
    I am in Ontario. Thank you in advance,

    Post count: 4923

    I’d like to help you, but this is a request for legal counsel in the context of a specific litigation. Even if I did know how to answer the question, I’m not ethically or legally allowed to do so. What you really need is counsel from a lawyer. Sorry I can’t be of more assistance, but I don’t want to get either of us into trouble. Please try me again in the future. Thanks. Glenn

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