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  • vickyp
    Post count: 4923

    Having a very difficult time identifying a proper salary survey that I can utilize for hospitality/Food & Beverage/Entertainment/Service in Calgary to ensure our organizations salary ranges are in line with the market in the city. Looking for recommendations from HR professionals in Hospitality, specifically F&B (if possible) of where they go for credible and salary survey data where appropriate comparative participants are taking part. Thank you!

    Post count: 4923

    I sympathize. It’s so much harder to get good salary info in Canada than in US. Here are a few suggestions:
    PayScale: (Canada) (Regional but doesn’t include Calgary–does include Edmonton)
    Alberta govt, (salaries by occupation)
    Alberta Hotel & Lodging Assoc, (Job listings–check salary ranges at left)
    If these sources don’t work, we can set up an HRI online survey asking our users where they go for their salary info. Let me know at   Good luck. Hope that helps.

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