HR Home Forums Community Resignation in the middle of a Termination

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  • Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    Good morning,
    We were in the middle of issuing a termination notice to an employee (after previous written warnings and suspension, following company procedure), when the employee asks to resign. We have a termination notice that employee refused to sign as he would rather resign that be terminated. Would we be able to accept his resignation or just take it as a reaction to the termination?

    Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    I really can’t answer that question because I’d be providing you legal counsel, which I’m neither qualified nor legally allowed to do. Moreover, there may be other facts about your situation that I don’t know. I would really advise you to run this by legal counsel. If getting access to counsel is an issue, I’d suggest speaking to your officers and making the case that the liability risks to your organization justify the expense in this situation. Sorry I couldn’t help you land the plane but it sounds like you’re on top of things. Glenn

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