HR Home Forums Private Overtime Exemption – Professionals

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  • Serena Traa
    Post count: 6

    I am in Manitoba and we have overtime exemptions for professionals such as accountants and lawyers. In our employee handbook, we write that we follow employment standards for overtime, wherein if you work more than 35 hours (which is what salaried employees work) you receive overtime at 1.0 times and over 40 you receive overtime at 1.5 times. This is banked and/or paid out. We have a few individuals who are professionals, who don’t receive overtime. Should this specifically be written in to the handbook, or in to their employment contract? Or is it sufficient because it is in the regulation. Thanks.

    Post count: 4922

    Because of the exceptions for professionals in Manitoba, you do not have to specifically write this into your handbook or contracts in order to be compliant; however, not all professionals are aware of these exceptions and you may want to include it in their contracts to be explicit and stave off any culture issues in the future.

    HR Insider Staff

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