HR Home Forums Community Mandatory Workplace Policies for BC

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  • Sean Carberry
    Post count: 2

    Hello- can you confirm the list of mandatory workplace policies for BC? This is the list in the policy doc on your website:

    Required Employment Policies for BC

    Equal Pay for Equal Work
    Workplace Violence and Harassment Domestic Violence in Workplace General Leaves of Absence Non-Retaliation/Reprisals
    General Occupational Health and Safety Pay Transparency


    Rick Tobin
    Post count: 68

    In British Columbia (BC), Canada, employers are required to adhere to various mandatory workplace policies to ensure compliance with employment, health and safety, and human rights legislation. These policies help create a safe, respectful, and equitable working environment. Here’s an overview of some key mandatory workplace policies in BC:

    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy: Employers must have an OHS policy that complies with the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. This includes policies on workplace safety procedures, accident reporting, and emergency response.

    Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy: BC employers are required to establish a policy to prevent and address workplace bullying, harassment, and violence, in line with WorkSafeBC regulations.

    Workplace Discrimination Policy: In line with the BC Human Rights Code, employers must have a policy that prohibits discrimination in the workplace on various grounds, including race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age.

    Privacy Policy: Employers must comply with the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) in BC, which involves having policies on the collection, use, and disclosure of personal employee information.

    COVID-19 Safety Plan: Depending on the current public health guidelines and the nature of the workplace, employers may be required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan outlining measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace.

    Accessibility Policy: While not exclusively mandated, with increasing emphasis on accessibility and accommodation, employers should have policies that address how they will accommodate employees with disabilities, aligning with both federal and provincial legislation.

    Leave Policies: Employers should have policies that explain employee entitlements to various types of leave as outlined in the Employment Standards Act, such as annual vacation, sick leave, family responsibility leave, parental leave, and compassionate care leave, ensuring they meet or exceed the minimum standards.

    The specific requirements for these policies can vary depending on the size of the business, the industry, and the nature of the work. Employers are encouraged to consult the Employment Standards Branch, WorkSafeBC, and the BC Human Rights Tribunal for detailed guidance on these policies to ensure compliance. Additionally, it’s advisable to seek legal counsel when developing or updating workplace policies to ensure they are comprehensive, up to date, and legally compliant.

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