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  • Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    We need to transfer a number of employees to other internal companies.
    Do I create an amendment letter, which will refer to their original employment letter? What do I call it “company transfer letter”? or just transfer letter?
    What do I do with the several employees with approximate 18-25 years of service with no employment letter.
    Also, what do I need to ensure is in the transfer letter?
    Thank you.

    Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    Two caveats: 1. I don’t know all of the facts; and 2. I can’t provide you legal counsel. My general impression is that:
    A. You probably don’t need to execute any kind of writing for employees who don’t have a written employment contract.
    B. You may or may not need to execute a written agreement for the other employees, depending on what their current contract says. First, does it expressly address/allow for transfers? If so, what does it say?
    C. If it doesn’t say anything about transfers, you may need a transfer agreement or just a revised contract to the extent: i. The transferred company isn’t listed as the employer; and/or ii. The contract specifies the specific location. That’s because the original contract will no longer work. Again, you can do it as either a transfer agreement or an amended employment contract. Hope this helps. Glenn

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