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  • Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    Having a very difficult time identifying a proper salary survey that I can utilize for hospitality/Food & Beverage/Entertainment/Service in Calgary to ensure our organizations salary ranges are in line with the market in the city. Looking for recommendations from HR professionals in Hospitality, specifically F&B (if possible) of where they go for credible and salary survey data where appropriate comparative participants are taking part. Thank you!

    Conner Lantz
    Post count: 4836

    Me again. Should have added that you can get around the PIPA issues by asking employees to indicate their allergies without disclosing their identities. PHI, in other words, is protected only when it can be traced to an identifiable individual. If that’s not possible, asking about allergies for EAP purposes would probably be OK under PIPA as long as you:

    • Ask only for the info you need to make decisions on EAP coverage
    • You tell employees why you’re collecting the info and how you intend to use it

    Good luck and I hope that helps.

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