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Ask the Expertrecruiting-applications
Shelley Thomas asked 2 years ago
Hi There, would you still recommend that employers to use applications for recruiting specific to student positions? I know it helps maintain a fair process from discrimination, but these days resumes seems to be the norm.  Also, if applications are still needed, do you have a standard form that you can provide?
1 Answers
Rick Tobin answered 2 years ago
Resumes are definitely the norm, however, in certain sectors application forms are still dominant, such as fast food, but this is usually limited to higher-turnover or "first job" type environments. HR Insider has tools and resources to help you with unconscious bias, discrimination, and other pitfalls that could impact your hiring and/or selection processes. I've attached a sample WORD application form you can download and edit to use at your organization. (https://hrinsider.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/15111458/Employment-application.docx)