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On call Question
Ask the ExpertCategory: QuestionsOn call Question
hri_Admin asked 4 years ago
Our public works employees rotated each week from March 15 to November 15 and are compensated.  I just found out on November 16 to March 14 the on call is assigned to the working foreman for the entire season without being compensated.  I have never heard of this.  Our water department employees rotate each week and are compensated all year.
Kate Morreau replied 4 years ago

no the foreman is non management and has been assigned on call all winter without compensation. No one else wants to do it as it is not paid. however I am now creating a policy that is a rotational on call all year with compensation. Keep it simple and equitable. Thank you for your time and response.

1 Answers
Glenn Demby answered 4 years ago
Seems like there is more to this question than is being communicated. Is the foreman considered a manager and not illegible for overtime? did the foreman take the "extra pay" because everyone else on the crew opted out of being "on call?" If it is a case where the foreman is "robbing" the rest of the crew of the potential to earn overtime, this could be a bad situation for the city, especially if the foreman sets the schedule. What could have initially been a case of the foreman "doing everyone a favour" or "falling on the sword" for the crew, could very well be perceived, maybe rightfully so, as scheduling bias and favoritism. This would have a big impact on workplace culture, respect, and could make the city liable for wage discrepencies because of the inequitable scheduling... especially if it is unionized labour.