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Ask the Expertmentoring-for-new-hires
Laura Evegroen asked 2 years ago
Good morning, We are building a mentorship program for new hires, with the goal of fostering connections between employees in a remote workplace as part of our larger onboarding program. It will be a traditional 1-1 mentoring program. I'm looking for resources/information/guidance on pairing mentors/mentees - making relevant pairing decisions and how to vet mentors.  If anyone has anything to share, it would be appreciated.
1 Answers
Rick Tobin answered 2 years ago
Wow, this is exciting. A mentorship program can add so much value to your organizations culture; as well as, reduce turnover, speed up onboarding, improve job satisfaction, and increase productivity while driving innovation. There is a lot of great guidance out there on setting up mentorship programs, but one thing that I think you need to consider is how you may want to set up a program that is not only scalable, but works for hybrid work arrangements. Here are some good links to additional readings that I found insightful.
  1. https://hbr.org/2021/05/what-great-mentorship-looks-like-in-a-hybrid-workplace
  2. https://www.tenthousandcoffees.com/blog/how-to-build-a-mentorship-program-employees-will-love
  3. https://www.guider-ai.com/blog/how-to-start-a-mentoring-program