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Bonus / Salary Increases – Pregnancy/Parental Leave
Ask the ExpertBonus / Salary Increases – Pregnancy/Parental Leave
Kyle Charters asked 2 years ago
Hi, We are a non-unionized employer in Ontario. We have an employee returning from pregnancy/parental leave in the next few weeks. During her mat leave salary increases and bonus payments were made to staff. Our employment contracts state "the Employee shall not be entitled to receive Bonus Remuneration beyond any period of active employment." If we don't pay the bonus payment to this employee are we running the risk of discrimination based on family status? If we do not provide a salary increase, do we run that same risk? Employers aren't required to provide an increase when an employee returns from leave, but if the only reason she isn't getting it is because she was on leave, is that a human rights violation? Thanks!
1 Answers
Rick Tobin answered 2 years ago
Answered directly via email