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Working Out Notice Period

I am in Manitoba. I am wondering if you can let me know if you see any issues with the following scenario. I recognize it may be pertinent to get legal counsel as well in this situation.

Terminating an employee, but because the issues have been performance based and not behavioral in nature (although still past the point of reconciling), giving the employee the option of working for a portion of the notice period, and letting staff internally know that it was this employees decision to leave ( in order to spare her some embarassment and humiliation of being escorted out of the office). We do not believe this individual is a security risk and feel that if she were to work a few days of the notice period (although we would pay her more than employment standards states) to give her a few days to wrap things up and leave with dignity.

I am wondering a few specific things:
1. Can the employee refuse to work those few days? (I realize she could just call in sick everyday or do something of the like). Or rather, can we actually ask someone to work that time rather than paying them out?
2. We would ask the employee if she would prefer that instead of us communicating to other employees that “so and so is no longer working for us” that we would instead communicate that she has decided to leave. If she does not want this it is fine, but if she does, we would do this for her in order to ‘save face’. Do you see issues with us even presenting that option to her?
3. Any other red flags you can see that we should think about in this process?
