We have offered an employee a number of accommodation options. She can only work days due to childcare requirements, She is a Registered Practical Nurse and insists on working Days as an RPN. The issue is that there are no vacant Day lines in the RPN classification and those working Days are all senior to her. She believes she is entitled to bump a senior employee out of their line as it is an “accommodation”. We have offered her a vacant full-time PSW line that is days and meets her childcare requirements. She would receive $5.00 less per hour but she would be home with her children in the evening. She is refusing that as well. We also offered her the flexibility to leave 1 hour early from her evening shift to pick up her kids in daycare as she secured an evening childcare spot but is stating she can’t afford it. How far do we have to go with this. She is refusing reasonable accommodation options.
When an employee seeks an accommodation yet refuses reasonable options…
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