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Lay-Off Employee Due to Work and Organization Restructure

My company is going to combine two sections to form a new department, so as to focus more on business which is better for our business development. After review the organisation structure of the new department, we can re-post all employees of the previous two sections into the new department, except one manager, who is found surplus. Can we lay-off the surplus manager by giving him sufficient notice pay in accordance with the BC Employment Standard Act, i.e. wages of 3 weeks plus one week’s pay per each service year, and the maximum is 8 weeks. The manager has worked in the company more than 20 years. So the termination pay will be 11 weeks’ wages. Is that right ? I am worrying that does his long-term services, more than 20 years, will imply a different approach under the Law ? Do we need to pay more to him ? Will there be a possibility that the manger will raise a legal litigation towards the company due to this lay-off ?