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Follow-Up: Public Holidays on Non-working Days in Manitoba

Hi there, 
I have a follow up question to the one recently asked about paying employees for public holidays. The answer that was given was the following- 
“Yes and No.
It’s not a full day off that is required. Since the reversion to the old rules as of July 1, 2018 what’s required is the earnings in the prior 4 work weeks,. Divided by a fixed 20.
Given what they’ve said, 3 days/week times 4 weeks is 12 days.
Divided by 20, the result is 12/20 of a regular day’s pay.
That’s what’s owed, whether they give the person another day off or pay out the entitlement.” 
I am in Manitoba, and from what I understood, the above calculation only applied if the employee worked a variable pay schedule (as in Monday-Wednesday one week, then Tuesday- Thursday the next, and the amount of hours varied). But if they are a salaried employee that works the same number of hours each week, then they are entitled to the full day off in lieu. I am referring to section 23(2) of the Manitoba Employment Standards Code. I just wanted to confirm I was correct for this in Manitoba