The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting

Once upon a time, finding candidates meant posting a job description…and then waiting. But today, everything’s different.
- Jobs have changed. Now more than ever, openings in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are dominating the global marketplace.
In fact, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics believes that the STEM workforce in the U.S will total more than 8.65 million workers by 2018.1 - Job seekers have changed. Research shows that Generation Y workers will change jobs every 3-4 years—because they want more from employment than
paychecks and benefits.2 - Technology has changed. Advances in SaaS platforms, mobile technology, and social media have provided companies with a vast new assortment of
recruiting tools.
But here’s the kicker: When candidates change, and the recruiting environment changes, your job as a recruiter will change, too. Are you ready to adapt? If you aren’t sure, don’t fret.
A number of recruiters today are faced with the challenge of adjusting to the new climate. Now is the perfect time to analyze your behavior and rethink your perspective.
Here’s a look at seven of the top “sins” recruiters commit today, along with valuable direction for correcting your bad habits.