Quiet Quitting & Productivity Policy


ABC Company expects all employees to meet high productivity standards. Time management, teamwork, efficiency, cooperation, and effort all contribute to an employee’s productivity. The standards leading to high productivity include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Consistently reporting to work and leaving work according to your work schedule;
  • Fully engaging in the work while on paid time/not misusing work time;
  • Meeting deadlines;
  • Asking for assistance when necessary;
  • Assisting others with information, knowledge, time, and resources;
  • Being prepared to give extra time when necessary;
  • Responding positively to unanticipated overtime needs;
  • Limiting unscheduled absences;
  • Notifying supervisors as soon as possible of unscheduled absences in accordance with department procedures;
  • Learning and using technology and databases for maximum efficiency;
  • Being prepared for meetings;
  • Starting meetings on time and ending on time;
  • Avoiding unnecessary interruptions of others at work;
  • Following-up on activities that have been delegated;
  • Following Company systems and procedures;
  • Minimizing the need to conduct personal business during work hours



All employees will be held accountable for meeting these standards in accordance with the terms of the ABC Company Performance Management Policy and Performance Improvement Planning framework.



Being employed at ABC Company is more than just a job. While it might sound trite, ABC Company management regards all of our staff, from CEO to the most junior level of employee, as a team working toward a collective goal excellence and achievement. We also firmly believe and strive to make it such that the rewards of excellence and success are shared by all team members. For that reason, we hire only individuals we believe will buy in to our shared mission. Employment with ABC Company is a bond of trust:

  • ABC Company trusts that you will commit yourself to your job and invest the time, effort and energy necessary to help the team and yourself achieve excellence; and
  • You trust ABC Company to manage your workload, pay you fairly and respect your life and commitments outside work.



The concept of “quiet quitting,” or doing only the minimum work and putting in the minimum hours to meet your job description and earn a paycheque, is a repudiation of that common trust. If you are not satisfied with your job or no longer trust ABC Company to meet its terms of our common pact, we ask you to come to us. If we cannot resolve the problems together, we will work with you to make the transition to another position, either with ABC Company or another company.