Mental Health Accommodations Checklist

Human rights laws require employers to make “reasonable accommodations” for employees with disabilities. Here’s a Checklist of potential accommodations that may be necessary to make for employees who have mental health issues or conditions. This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list and while deleting items isn’t advisable you should feel free to add to it if you provide or are open to additional accommodations.


Offer employees stress management training to develop relaxation, mindfulness and resiliency skills
Use of natural light, plants, ventilation, flexible spaces and other elements to provide a mentally healthy physical work environment
Inform employees of available resources such as free relaxation APPs or company Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Implement anti-harassment, anti-bullying and psychological safety policies
Sponsor awareness-building and anti-stigma campaigns
Develop, implement and ensure employee awareness of workplace accommodations policies, procedures and protocols
Telecommute or work from home arrangements
Part-time work hours
Job sharing arrangements
Adjustments to the start or end of work hours, compensation time and/or “make up” of missed time
Leave for reasons related to mental health, treatment or recovery
Work hours off for therapy and other related appointments
Flexible use of vacation time
Work breaks based on individual needs rather than a fixed schedule
More frequent breaks and/or greater flexibility in scheduling breaks
Reduction or removal of distractions in the work area
Use of room dividers, partitions or other soundproofing or visual barriers between workspaces to reduce noise or visual distractions
Location of office/work space away from noisy or distracting machinery, equipment or operations
Private offices or private space enclosures
Reduction of workplace noise that can be adjusted, such as telephone volume
Increased natural lighting or full spectrum
Allowing use of music (with headset) to block out distractions
Allowing beverages and food at workstations when necessary to mitigate the side effects of medications or disorders
Allowing employees to keep a service animal where necessary to accommodate a mental (or physical) disability
Tape recorders to record/review meetings and training sessions
Environmental sound or “white noise” machines
Handheld electronic organizers, software calendars and organizer programs
Laptop computers, personal digital assistants and office computer access via remote locations.
Software that minimizes computerized distractions such as pop-up screens
Increased natural lighting or full spectrum lighting
Allowing use of music (with headset) to block out distractions
Modification or removal of non-essential job duties or restructuring of the job to include only the essential functions
Division of large assignments into smaller tasks and goals
Additional assistance and/or time for orientation activities, training and learning job tasks and new responsibilities
Additional training or modified training materials
Training of managers and supervisors in mental health awareness, communication skills and emotional intelligence
Training of managers and supervisors to recognize and respond to warning signs of mental health issues
Implementation of flexible and supportive supervision style that emphasizes positive reinforcement and feedback
Written work agreements that include any agreed upon accommodations, long-term and short-term goals, expectations of responsibilities and consequences of not meeting performance standards
Adjustments in level of supervision or structure, such as more frequent meetings to help prioritize tasks
Open communication with managers and supervisors regarding performance and work expectations
Additional forms of communication and/or written and visual tools, including communication of assignments and instructions in employee’s preferred learning style (written, verbal, e-mail, demonstration)
Use of written tools such as daily “to-do” lists, step-by-step checklists, instructions and typed minutes of meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings with employees to discuss workplace issues and productivity, including annual discussions as part of performance appraisals to assess abilities and promotional opportunities
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