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Planning At Your Workplace
2022 Ergonomics Planning: Top 5 Factors That Will Impact Injury Prevention
2022 is underway and it’s the perfect time to evaluate your Ergonomics Program to identify gaps to ensure risk reduction, as well as improved productivity, work quality, and overall job satisfaction.
Ask yourself – does our organization have the key components for a successful and first-class Ergonomics & Injury Prevention Program? Here are the top five essential ergonomic program components.
Check it out here.
Holiday Planning
The odds are that during December your employees will already be just a little less productive as they dash out for some shopping, discuss holiday plans and even participate in office holiday activities.
Read more here.
Report Preview
Planning for the future is a key function for any HR professional. Planning helps ensure that your organization is prepared for all situations. Planning for your workplace can come in many forms, from workforce planning, to succession planning to disaster planning. All of these situations should be accounted and prepared for so your organization can continue to operate and grow without disruption.
In This Report, You Will Find:
Near Future Trends Impacting Workforce Planning
The world is changing rapidly. Over the next few years, the impact of changes in different areas of the world will have a direct impact on your organization’s ability to attract and retain your workforce and remain competitive within your industry.
Role of HR Director in Business Continuity Planning
Business Continuity plans enable companies to continue to provide critical services or products after workplace safety and other incidents with the least possible disruption until normal operations can resume.
Succession Planning Quiz
Succession planning and management is about developing employees and supporting them in their careers to ensure that the organization has pools of talent for key areas. It is not about identifying heirs to specific positions.
When Efficient Planning Crosses the Line into Negative Worrying
Unfortunately, for some people, constant planning is essentially a ruse for hiding obsessive worry and feelings of inadequacy. Within the workplace that highly efficient, well-organized employee who appears on top of his game may be struggling with fears and anxieties that can result in a big and costly error down the road.
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