Hiring Relatives Policy

  1. Employment of family member’s policy

In keeping with Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality policies, a high degree of integrity, objectivity and professionalism of employees is expected. As a result of a supervisor/manager’s responsibilities to supervise, assign work, deal with potential performance problems and conduct performance appraisals, a potential or real conflict of interest arises when immediate relatives are within their supervisory scope. Similar problems can arise when related employees share the same work unit.


  1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, and to all employment statuses.


  1. Definitions

Immediate relatives

Include spouse (including common-law and same gender spouses), parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, or an individual who has acquired such a relationship through marriage/common-law. Step children/grandchildren/ parents and foster children/grandchildren/parents are considered children, grandchildren and parents for the purpose of this policy.


  1. Reporting/supervisory relationship

This policy pertains to all direct or indirect reporting or supervisory relationships within the chain of command. An example of a direct reporting relationship is between an employee and his or her immediate supervisor/manager. An example of an indirect reporting relationship is between an employee and his or her director (with a number of managers in between, but within the same chain of command).


  1. Employment status

Relevant employment statuses include full-time, part-time and temporary positions, acting appointments, summer replacements, contract positions, and casuals.


  1. Alternate employment

Alternate employment is defined as an available position within which the employee is qualified and where there is no conflict of interest from a reporting or supervisory relationship.


  1. Work unit

An operational entity within an office location with employees who share the same manager or functional responsibilities.


  1. Policy application

New hire

Immediate relatives of existing employees may be hired, promoted or transferred, provided that no potential or real conflict of interest exists from a reporting or supervisory relationship.


  1. Situations that develop

It is the responsibility of each employee to avoid situations that create a conflict of interest. Should two (2) employees become immediate relatives during their employment and find themselves in a direct/indirect reporting or supervisory relationship, where a real or potential conflict of interest arises, one (1) of the two (2) employees will be given ninety (90) days to find alternate employment. The Organization will make reasonable efforts to assist in the search for an alternate position. The Organization will consult with the two (2) employees affected prior to making a determination of who of the two (2) will be seeking alternative employment. The Organization reserves the right to make the final decision concerning which employee will seek alternative employment.


  1. Existing situation

Any existing situation must be brought to the attention of management and Human Resources for discussion, with a view to resolving the conflicts outlined in this policy.


  1. Summer students

Summer employment for the children of employees and volunteers is acceptable and encouraged provided there is no reporting relationship.


  1. Selection committee

An employee may not sit on a selection committee when one (1) of the candidates is an immediate relative. Note: The Organization has the discretion to withhold employment, promotion of employment, transfers of employment and ultimately, has the right to terminate the employment of an employee who finds him/herself in a situation contrary to this policy.


  1. Responsibility

The Director, Human Resources, is responsible for advising stakeholders, maintaining, monitoring, and revising this policy; and for authorizing exceptions. Members of the Management Team are responsible for applying and implementing this policy in each of their respective areas.