HR Home Forums Community Modified duty and available work – QC Answer for Modified duty and available work – QC

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If the employee is in a union, you must provide whatever notice is required under the collective agreement. If the employee is not in a union, you must provide termination notice or wages in lieu of notice based on how long he’s been employed by you, namely, 1 week if he has less than one year of uninterrupted service, 2 weeks if he’s credited with 1 to 5 years of uninterrupted service, 4 weeks if he’s credited with 5 to 10 years of uninterrupted service and 8 weeks for ten years or more of uninterrupted service.
Also be very careful to document your conclusion that there’s no suitable work the employee can do, which should be based on a functional assessment by a healthcare professional. You also need documentation showing you considered alternative work and other accommodations and why you decided they weren’t reasonable.