Enterprise Surveys: A Strategic Organizational Tool

When a senior manager at a bank recently polled employees, she was “shocked by results from a questionnaire on job satisfaction. Those few who bothered to fill it out said they found management so controlling, they avoided taking initiative.” The survey results made her realize the critical need “to get people more engaged”. To identify the issues and to put in place initiatives to address concerns.

There are many compelling reasons to conduct enterprise surveys—to increase employee morale, get to the bottom of key organizational issues and build an engaged workforce. Numerous studies have linked employee loyalty, customer loyalty and financial results to one another. Enterprise surveys are a key instrument that communicates to employees that their opinions matter, enabling companies to identify what issues need to be addressed. It has been demonstrated that employee dissatisfaction leads to lower productivity and higher turnover, having a significant impact on organizational performance. Clearly, anything that can reduce the investment of time and money currently channeled into sourcing, hiring and training new employees is beneficial. If you carry out a well-crafted, well-orchestrated survey—and you listen, consult and act on the results over time—positive effects will emerge on your company’s bottom line.

In this whitepaper we will explore key reasons for conducting surveys, identify issues that might arise, focus on the way to conduct a state-of-the-art enterprise survey utilizing benchmark technologies, and provide an overview of the various types of surveys available to meet your organization’s needs.