Any insight appreciated – can we reduce hours drastically (assuming collective agreements and employees allow for it etc.) and have employees work each week, but reduce hours enough to be eligible to receive CERB?

Our confusion is with the 14 consecutive days off work to be eligible. 
The wording in question is below – it says ‘and’ but it says no more than $1000 in combined employment for these consecutive days. 

  • You have stopped or will stop working for reasons related to COVID-19, and
    • For your first CERB application: You have stopped or will stop working for at least 14 consecutive days within the four week benefit period and have or expect to receive no more than $1,000 in combined employment or self-employment income for these consecutive days.
    • For your subsequent CERB applications: You continue to not work and expect to remain in this position for the entire four week period for which you are applying and expect to receive no more than $1,000 in combined employment or self-employment income

Hopefully this makes sense. Any insight is appreciated!!