Compensation Solutions for a Bad Economy: Create Flexible but Enduring Plans

Date: April 23, 2020

The Panel of Experts: Ken Gibson, Senior Vice President of The VisionLink Advisory Group

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About the Webinar

A Webinar for Business Leaders Seeking to Minimize the Impact of Coronavirus Created Volatility

Chances are, you’ve been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Not the flu itself, hopefully. (God willing, you’ve steered clear of that contagion.) No, we’re talking about the economic hit. Its impact has been more far reaching and less discriminatory than the actual virus.

If COVID-19 has created an uncertain economic future for your company, we’d like to show you a way to effectively manage compensation in the face of the current chaos that also ensures your success when things rebound. We call this the “survive to thrive” strategy.

In this presentation you will learn a pay approach that is flexible and resilient enough for broad cash flow fluctuations but enduring enough to remain relevant when prosperous times return.
If you need to know how to manage compensation in a crisis, you should register for this event.

During this presentation, we will answer questions such as:

  • What is the role of incentives in a bad economy?
  • How can you lower expenses but still reward performance?
  • What kind of pay strategy encourages value creation?
  • Should your compensation philosophy differ now from when times were good?
  • What kind of employee performance should be rewarded and how?
  • How do you make sure your pay approach is agile but also stable?
  • What is the least “expensive” way to compensate your people in this environment?
  • What do your employees expect from your pay offering right now?

About the Speakers

Ken is Senior Vice President and a principal at The VisionLink Advisory Group, a compensation design and consulting firm based in Orange County, California. VisionLink works with business leaders in the development of pay strategies that effectively reward performance and enable company growth. The firm currently serves over 600 clients throughout the United States and parts of Canada.

Ken has advised CEOs and other company leaders on compensation issues for over 30 years. Throughout his career, he has been invited frequently to speak to various business and professional groups throughout the country on how to create more effective pay strategies. He has authored numerous articles and reports about compensation issues that modern businesses face. Ken also conducts a monthly webinar series that is broadcast to C-suite executives throughout the United States.

Ken recently ended his term as board president for the BYU Management Society—a 20,000 member international organization affiliated with the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University. Prior to becoming president, he served as a regional director on that board and as president of the South Orange County Chapter of the society in Southern California.

Ken is married, has four children and three grandchildren (with a fourth due in June). He lives in Highland, Utah.