Compassionate Care Leave Policy

You may need to take time off work to care for a family member who is terminally ill, or on the death of a family member. The first type of leave is called a compassionate care leave, and the second type of leave is known as a compassionate or bereavement leave.

1. Purpose

Compassionate care is a benefit for employees needing to take a temporary leave to care for a gravely ill family member who has a significant risk of death within six months. While both the federal and provincial governments provide job-protected compassionate care leave for workers, many organizations are going a step further by implementing top-up compassionate care leave policies in order to provide comfort to employees while boosting engagement and retention at work.

2. Eligibility

All employees are entitled to up to 27 weeks of unpaid leave within a period of 52 weeks to care for a gravely ill family member. The right to compassionate care leave under the Compassionate Care Leave Act is available to all eligible employees regardless of how long they have been employed. The leave is a statutory entitlement, not something that may or may not be granted at the discretion of the employer.

3. Scope

An employee who requests leave under this section is entitled to up to 27 weeks of unpaid leave to provide care or support to a family member if a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner issues a certificate stating that the family member has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death within 26 weeks, or such other period as may be prescribed…