Benefits Related to Part-Time Employment Policy

Part-time employees are subject to similar terms and conditions as full-time, non-union employees.   This policy acts to ensure that part-time, non-union employees are administrated fairly and equitably and in a manner that is consistent with the administration of full-time, non-union employees.


Part-time employees are subject to similar terms and conditions of employment as full-time, non-union employees. Where insured earnings-related employee benefit programs are available to full-time, non-union employees, part-time non-union employees may participate in those or similar programs (as outlined below) on a pro rata basis, unless specifically excepted by this or any other Statement of Policy and Procedure or by legislation


To ensure that part-time non-union employees are administrated fairly and equitably and in a manner that is consistent with the administration of full-time non-union employees.

  1. SCOPE

This policy and procedure apply to part-time non-union employees…