COVID-19 Labour Relations and Safety Litigation

Date: Aug 18, 2021

Time: 9:00-10:30AM PDT

Speaker: Norm Keith, B.A., J.D., LLM, CRSP

Register Here with discount code “HRIVIP21” to attend for free

There have been hundreds of cases litigated and precedence has been established, but you’ve been managing your business and focusing on everything you needed to do just to keep your head above water. Did you do the right things? Is it too late? Can you mitigate or make changes to avoid future liability? What does the employment relationship look like in a post-pandemic Canada? Find out how COVID has affected health & safety and labour relations across Canada.

Join Norm Keith, B.A., J.D., LLM., CRSP, and senior partner of KPMG Law, as he guides you through a 3-part webinar on the OHS & HR implications in a post-COVID Canada.